***click Denzel to enter the Skaters Paradise: Man on Fire***
An old school legend,
Mr. Tommy Guerrero! I had the pleasure of bumping into this cat back when i was skating. Once at the Embarcadero. Then again at this BMX half-pipe behind the 'real' crookedest street in the world. That day, I remember Tommy drove the wrong way, UP that crooked-ass street. CRAZY! This was in like '86 or'87. To young cats skating, Tommy was the style master. Peep the video. Some nice terrain.
SF is perfect for street skating.
Back in the day, i made sure I skated every spot in this video. @ :55 Tommy enters the Dish, my old stompin grounds. I was doin' 360's off that fat lip right there wit you Tommy G! Thanx for the spark you started for a dude.
(peep BHlandscape later for more info on the "Real" crookedest street in the world and it's not on HYde stret)