todays modern man got soft

todays modern man got soft
***click Denzel to enter the Skaters Paradise: Man on Fire***


Stairway 2 Hell | Hotter than July

somewhere in the SWAT's [South West Atlanta]

the Youngin's murdered these 8 stairs

the 8 stairs nearly murdered these elders

peep the skateboard on the side of the can. it's no Krylon but it "got-GOT" anyway (courtesy of Lowes)

all photos taken w/ a 2G iPhone camera btw. sucks but you gotta make the most w/ what you have, right? improvise. adapt.
I will be adapting to getting a new camera for myself in the near future btw and that is all.



Aloe Smoothie Ingredients
1 Aloe Vera leaf
16oz. ice cold water

(& that is all!)

*throw it all in a blender. And drink it down fast!
it doesn't taste very good but its a nourishment thing so Buck up! You'll feel better. Believe!

u could add apple juice or ginger for taste but an old rasta man told me using aloe&water only is the real deal.

below is how to remove the 'jelly' off the aloe leaf.


All in the game/Head-to-Toe

banged the dome/small flesh wound/

Jed > garbage can

reservoir banks < water

AJ, Reservoir Dog

we'll be back Mr. Polygon [click img to enlarge]

scouting spots is fun

AJ on the Rhodes

sake intake increase.

picked up a aloe leaf for the Aloe smoothie (the sk8r's cure-all!)~RECIPE SOON COME

in [atl] they say i aught ride local. Peep the stickers fool: "I RIDES LOCO!" [sf]

Busenitz breaking in just nicely. Thanks. Hey, it's all in the game.



Any Fun

"Featuring: Alex Olson, BA, Gonz, Chloe Sevign. Directed by Gonz. Sick!"


it's what's for dinner....

on the patio @ Dad's house

after much ponder it came to me...

roasted corn!

Dad's gourmet garlic press is a stunna

"you see down in New Orleans i was a Saucier!"

"Unkle Josh! Get down from there!"

grill action-jackson!

bon appetit!

all photos taken by: the Little dude.
saucier/cooking: Big dude.


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